வியர்வை வராமல் இருப்பதும் ஹார்மோன்ஸ் அதிகமாக சுரப்பதும் Cancerகு காரணமா?
World Cancer Free Day 2021
Cancer is a disease where the cells begin to grow uncontrollably.
The cells are generated but not demolished; those cells are called Cancer.
Two types of Cancer.
One has the nature of spreading throughout the body, which is too dangerous, and the other has the nature of not spreading.
Doctors follow the Treatment based on the nature of the type of Cancer.
We know that the intake of tobacco, processed foods, etc., is the main cause of Cancer, but this video reveals some of the untold causes.
Do you know that high power lighting is one of the reasons for Cancer?
Do you know that non-sweating is one of the reasons for Cancer?
Do you know that bad sexual habits are one of the reasons for Cancer?
Watch this video to know all these in detail, and we have prescribed the homoeopathy medicines as well.
If you have any clarifications regarding this, please don’t hesitate to contact us on +91 9176380403.
You can share this with those you care about and leave your comments to let us know how you benefit from this video.
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